RoamingMan (hereafter “RoamingMan”) is the brand name of the company UCLOUDLINK UK LIMITED.  We take customer privacy seriously.  Here are our privacy policy and personal information collection policy.   It governs the way how we proceed with the customer's personal information.  The privacy policy is also posted on our website.  You may access our website to understand the details.  

II. Who May Process Data

Personal information will only be collected with the customer’s consent.

The customer’s personal information, which includes but is not limited to name, email, address, and any other information provided by the customer, will be processed by RoamingMan.

RoamingMan may disclose or receive the personal information or documents about the customer to/from other companies within the UCLOUDLINK group, its authorized carriers, or its service providers including the credit reference agencies.

RoamingMan may be required to disclose personal information or documents about a customer if required to do so by law in the prevention of criminal activities in accordance with EU legislation.

III. Quality

RoamingMan may take a reasonable approach to ensure that the personal information that is held is correct, complete, and up to date.

IV. Purpose of Processing

RoamingMan and its affiliates, its authorized carriers, and service providers may access the personal information for the purpose of customer relationship management, such as order fulfillment and delivery management.  RoamingMan may offer special sales promotions, product updates, and providing marketing information to the customer.  If a customer does not wish to receive any marketing information, they may request to opt-out of the promotional activity by contacting RoamingMan.


A small file, browser cookies, may be send to the customer's computer when visiting the RoamingMan’s Website.  This is used to identify the customer and provide the best services in the future. RoamingMan may collect and store the personal data and link information stored by cookies with customer consent.  RoamingMan will not automatically log data or collect data apart from information the customer specifically provides to RoamingMan.  The Customer can change the browser setting to reject the cookies but this may preclude the customer’s use of certain parts of the Website.

VI. Security Measures

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption is enabled on the RoamingMan website to encrypt customer information and to avoid others to capture or access customer information.  It will be enabled when the symbol of a key or lock is on the bottom of your browser window, depending on the browser model.

Notwithstanding the above, RoamingMan cannot guarantee the protection of Customers’ personal data transmitted electronically due to the nature of the Internet. Customers should be aware of the unsolicited messages when personal information is collected on the Internet.

VII. Information Usage

Personally identifiable information is collected and used by RoamingMan for the following purposes:

a. fulfillment of the order requests for products and services.

b. customization of the product and service content.

c. special promotions and new products/services offering. You may opt-out of marketing promotion at any time.

d. billing and order status purposes.

e. fulfillment and maintenance of membership and customer service agreements.

VIII. Information Sharing

RoamingMan will not trade, sell or rent personally identifiable information.  The personally identifiable information will be shared in the following situations:

a. RoamingMan has your consent to share the information.

b. It is required the necessary information to fulfill your request for a product or service. For example, it is required to provide the delivery address and contact information to the shipping company.  Without your consent, these service providers do not have the right to access the personally identifiable information provided beyond what is necessary to assist your requested service.

c. It is legally required to provide the information in response to the court order, the subpoena, or the legal process.

d. The emergency situation has arisen that it is required to release the information before you can be contacted for consent, such as the verified family emergency.

IX. Links

The RoamingMan website may contain links to other websites. RoamingMan is not responsible for the privacy practices of sites owned and operated by other companies. When you are not visiting the RoamingMan website, please read carefully the privacy policies of any website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by RoamingMan, and such information remains private and secure when you follow links to other websites.

X. Anti-Spamming Policy

RoamingMan is committed to a zero-tolerance, anti-Spamming policy. Under this policy, we prohibit:

a. Manipulating identifiers, such as email headers, to disguise the origin of any content transmitted to or through RoamingMan’s computer systems.

b. Relaying email through a third party’s mail servers without the permission of that third party.

c. Using or causing to be used RoamingMan computer systems to facilitate the transmission of unsolicited.

d. Unauthorized material. This includes any promotional materials, URL’s, “junk mail,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of unauthorized solicitation that you may upload, post, email, transmit, or otherwise make available.

e. Using “robots” or otherwise harvesting others’ email addresses from the RoamingMan servers for purposes of sending unsolicited or unauthorized material.

f. Uploading, posting, emailing, or transmitting the same message, URL, or post multiple times.

g. Allowing third parties to contact our customer database without the customer’s prior consent.

h. Emailing non RoamingMan customers promotional or marketing materials without their prior consent.

i. Emailing RoamingMan customers who have opted out of email based contact promotional or marketing materials without their prior consent.

XI. Voluntary Customer Surveys

We may periodically conduct both business and individual customer surveys. We encourage our customers to participate in these surveys because they provide us with important information that helps us to improve the types of services we offer and how we provide them to you. Your personal information and responses will remain strictly confidential, even if the survey is conducted by a third party. Participation in our customer surveys is voluntary. We take the information we receive from individuals responding to our customer surveys and combine (or aggregate) it with the responses of other RoamingMan customers to create broader, generic responses to the survey questions (such as gender, age, residence, hobbies, education, employment, industry sector, or other demographic information). We then use the aggregated information to improve the quality of our Services to you, and to develop new services and products. This aggregate, non-personally identifying information may be shared with third parties.

XII. Other Partners and Sponsors

Some RoamingMan products and services are or may be offered in conjunction with a non-affiliated partner. To provide some of these products and services, the partner may need to collect and maintain personal information. In these instances, you will be notified before any such data is collected or transferred and may decide not to use that particular service or feature. RoamingMan will share non-identifying and aggregate information (except as described above), but not personal information, with such partners in order to administer any such co-branded products or services offered. At some websites, you can purchase products and services or register to receive materials, such as a brochure, a catalog or new product and service updates. In many cases, you may be asked to provide contact information, such as your name, address, email address, phone number, and credit/debit card information. RoamingMan has no control over the third parties’ use of any personal information you provide when placing such an order. We strongly suggest you review the third parties’ privacy policy before providing any of your information.

XIII. Special Cases

It is RoamingMan’s policy not to use or share the personal information about individuals in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing you an opportunity to opt out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses. However, RoamingMan may disclose personal information about individuals, or information regarding your use of the Services or internet sites accessible through our Services, for any reason if, in our sole discretion, we believe that it is reasonable to do so, including: to satisfy laws, such as the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, regulations, or governmental or legal requests for such information; to disclose information that is necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against someone who may be violating our terms of uses or other policies; to operate the Services properly; or to protect RoamingMan and our customers.

XIV. Revisions to this Policy

RoamingMan reserves the right to revise, amend, or modify this policy and our other policies and agreements at any time and in any manner.

XV. Contact Details

If the Customer has any inquiries or concerns about this Privacy Policy, or wishes RoamingMan to cease processing the information it has about that Customer as a result of the Customer’s use of RoamingMan’s web site, please contact us.

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